Please Chalk Responsibly

In many cities chalk is considered a graffiti medium.  Chalking in some cities is legal as long as it’s on your own sidewalk, driveway or on private property with permission.  In others, chalking is illegal altogether.  So, please chalk responsibly and check with your city for regulations first.

Best Practices:

  • Be respectful – consider your neighbors and others who will see your chalked walks.
  • Remember the mission – the goal here is to spread joy, optimism and inspiration; if what you’re writing doesn’t accomplish that in a pure and simple way, please reconsider.
  • Keep it clean – it’s very difficult to spread joy if your content is offensive; if an 8-year-old shouldn’t read it, don’t write it.
  • Have fun – play is important to our mental and emotional health; connect with your inner child, be playful, have fun.


Need some ideas? Here are some messages that will scatter joy, sprinkle smiles and shower love.